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Guardian Pharmacy

SleepDrops For Adults 30ml

SleepDrops For Adults 30ml

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SleepDrops is a gentle but effective formulation to support healthy good quality sleep. It helps to assist the body to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake refreshed.

SleepDrops for Adults is a unique combination of herbs, homeopathic remedies and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand. These sleep drops contain a unique blend of vibrational remedies which have been designed to work on many different levels including – mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and physiological.

SleepDrops for Adults are made in New Zealand from natural ingredients. They are gluten and dairy free, and can be taken with other medications and supplements. They are safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Active Ingredients:

SleepDrops for Adults contains a proprietary blend of glycerine (organic, coconut derived), water and alcohol plus:

Herbs - Californian poppy, Corydalis, Chamomile, Hops, Jamaican dogwood, Kava, Lavender, Lemon balm, Lime flower, Milk thistle, Passionflower, Skullcap, Zizyphus

Homeopathic remedies - Chamomilla, Coffea crud, Gentian, Hypericum, Kali phos, Mag phos, Melatonin*, Nux vom, Passiflora, Pulsatilla, Vitamin C (*Homeopathic Dose)

Flower essences – First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand

Phase 1: the first 5 nights take one dose (5-10 drops) under the tongue half hourly, starting two hours before bed

Phase 2: from the 6th night ongoing take one dose under the tongue half an hour before bed an another dose immediately before retiring to sleep
If waking through the night take up to 4 additional doses to support sleep

For best results combine with Essential Sleep Nutrients if staying asleep or stress is an issue .

No known contraindications. SleepDrops is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is non-addictive, non-drowsy and will not interfere with any medications.
Take as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.
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